Spice of Life


Time to spice up your creativity with these deliciously refreshing Mocktail with unique depth!

Cocktails Included:

Apple of My Eye:

Capture the essence of a delicious fall flavor! Made with Seedlip Spice, Apple, Agave, Lemon, Cardamom, and Cinnamon

Blackberry Spice:

The perfect way to spice up your autumn evenings. Made with Kentucky 74, chia tea, blackberry preserves, angostura, lemon juice, & garnished with a blackberry rim

What's in the kits?

Mocktail ingredients for 2, Bar Spoon, Recipe Cards

What's not provided in the kits:

Knife Cutting Board, citrus juicer, blackberries, glassware, cocktail shaker, plate for rim

Ever wanted to learn how to make delicious cocktails with spices in your cabinet batched and ready for your fall parties? This kit has you covered! Come with questions, come ready to learn, ready to engage with one another over a celebratory CHEERS when you book your personalized experience!

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